UAE’s only private utility on game changing transition


Utico owns and operates three SWRO plants in Ras Al Khaimah, and supplies water...
Utico offers uninterrupted power supply to its customers. Power is generated from plants...
With sustainability a core focus, Utico is on the transition curve, scaling up investments...

In sync with the UAE's sustainability goals

In sync with the National goals of the UAE to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and work towards climate change mitigation, we also have successfully run projects in the renewables sphere spanning waste heat recovery, solar, wind and tidal power.  

Supporting farmers for food security

To help shore up the UAE’s food self-sufficiency and support local farmers, Utico supplies subsidised water to over 500 farms in Ras Al Khaimah. The target is to scale up the service to 3,000 farmers.

We serve an area of


in the UAE with our

600 km

water network and over

250 km

power lines. 

Benchmarking to National & UN SDGs

Every aspect of our business goes through a stringent evaluation to ensure that we are in line with the National and UNDP Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We are committed to reduce the carbon burden on the environment and help mitigate detrimental climate change impact. Over the years by enhanced energy efficiency and putting in place a green strategy, we have been able to reduce our carbon footprint consecutively every year.